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Lindell Audio LiN2A

Valve Optical Compressor By Matt Houghton
Published January 2024

Lindell Audio LiN2A

Does Lindell’s LiN2A sound as classy as the famous compressor that inspired it?

I shouldn’t need to state that Lindell Audio’s LiN2A is based on the Teletronix LA‑2A! A valve‑amplified optical compressor, the LA‑2A is a characterful and forgiving processor with a reputation for assertive level control that won’t ruin the dynamics of a performance. Its character is due in part to the nature of the optical compression and in part to the sound of its valve stages. Several replicas are available, but the LiN2A is priced competitively and it’s pretty well specified too, with Cinemag input and output transformers, a Black Lion Audio T4BLA opto cell and, generally, ‘name’ components used throughout. As supplied, some of the valves vary from the models used in its muse, but internal jumper switches allow those who crave authenticity to install the original types.

Quick Tour

A Black Lion Audio T4B optical cell is used both for gain reduction and to drive the meter.A Black Lion Audio T4B optical cell is used both for gain reduction and to drive the meter.All the LiN2A’s electronics sit inside a nice, solid 2U chassis and, as with most valve devices, it can generate quite a bit of heat: you’ll want to leave space in a rack for this to dissipate through the top‑panel ventilation slots. A tasteful two‑tone front panel is largely dark blue‑grey, punctuated by pale blue‑grey legends, but that scheme is inverted in a middle stripe that hosts the company’s logo and a generous,...

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